We Design, Manufacture, Construct and then provide the initial Management of SUSTAINABLE VILLAGES & SMART FARMS, in mainly Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Our main focus areas are Modular Building, Renewable Energy, Poultry Farming, Hydrophonic Farming, including all the components that constitute the modern and efficient process to run a SMART FARM.
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brochure solarAgriculture is one of the most important human activities in sub-Saharan Africa . Besides being the mainstay of food supply, the agricultural sector is the major source of employment and income. About 67 percent of the region’s human population, which was 601 million in 2000, live in the rural areas and are primarily engaged in agriculture and related activities. Thus agriculture, directly or indirectly, forms an important component of the livelihoods of more than 400 million people in the region. The contribution of agriculture to the gross domestic product (GDP) of sub-Saharan Africa as a whole is estimated to be 32 percent.
Albert Einstein said that “an empty stomach is not a good political advisor" Heeding this warning, African leaders have been paying considerable attention to food security.
Click on the picture to read a brochure, supplied by our client Ukali LLC, giving more details.

brochure farmThe purpose of this Brochure is to explain our intention of establishing 500 ha community farms in the rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. The decision to go with this proposed model has been based on our own research and the team’s personal experiences in especially Western Africa. We have come to the conclusion that to make a difference in Africa, a holistic approach needs to be taken. This approach includes employment, housing, food security, basic human services, as well as education and healthcare.
With this in mind, a community-farm model was developed, since this can address all or most of the above and can further generate the necessary income to ensure the economical sustainability of the project.
Click on the picture to read a brochure, supplied by our client Ukali LLC, giving more details.

Who is Jare Holdings LLC?

Jare Holdings LLC is a Delaware registered company, with the sole purpose to Manufacture, Supplying, Constructing and assisting with the initial management of newly constructed SMART FARMS, for Governments, Agencies, Communities, and Companies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
We intend to establish these production facilities in Gqerbha (formerly Port Elizabeth), in South Africa serving Southern/Western Africa and
 East Africa, thus enabling us to manufacture close to where the products are required. 

Get in touch

Feel Free to contact us for any further details.